Magnum One
Magnum One (Mid-American Digital) (Disc Manufacturing).iso
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Assembly Source File
948 lines
version equ 3
include defs.asm
;Ported from Phil Karn's asy.c and slip.c, a C-language driver for the IBM-PC
;8250 by Russell Nelson. Any bugs are due to Russell Nelson.
; Copyright, 1988, 1989, Russell Nelson
; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation, version 1.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
code segment byte public
assume cs:code, ds:code
;8250 definitions
;Control/status register offsets from base address
THR equ 0 ;Transmitter holding register
RBR equ 0 ;Receiver buffer register
DLL equ 0 ;Divisor latch LSB
DLM equ 1 ;Divisor latch MSB
IER equ 1 ;Interrupt enable register
IIR equ 2 ;Interrupt ident register
FCR equ 2 ;16550 FIFO control register
LCR equ 3 ;Line control register
MCR equ 4 ;Modem control register
LSR equ 5 ;Line status register
MSR equ 6 ;Modem status register
;8250 Line Control Register
LCR_5BITS equ 0 ;5 bit words
LCR_6BITS equ 1 ;6 bit words
LCR_7BITS equ 2 ;7 bit words
LCR_8BITS equ 3 ;8 bit words
LCR_NSB equ 4 ;Number of stop bits
LCR_PEN equ 8 ;Parity enable
LCR_EPS equ 10h ;Even parity select
LCR_SP equ 20h ;Stick parity
LCR_SB equ 40h ;Set break
LCR_DLAB equ 80h ;Divisor Latch Access Bit
;16550 Line Control Register
FCR_RCVR equ 002h ;Reset Receive FIFO
FCR_XMIT equ 004h ;Reset Transmit FIFO
FCR_1 equ 001h ;One byte FIFO
FCR_4 equ 041h ;Four byte FIFO
FCR_8 equ 081h ;Eight byte FIFO
FCR_14 equ 0c1h ;Fourteen byte FIFO
;8250 Line Status Register
LSR_DR equ 1 ;Data ready
LSR_OE equ 2 ;Overrun error
LSR_PE equ 4 ;Parity error
LSR_FE equ 8 ;Framing error
LSR_BI equ 10h ;Break interrupt
LSR_THRE equ 20h ;Transmitter line holding register empty
LSR_TSRE equ 40h ;Transmitter shift register empty
;8250 Interrupt Identification Register
IIR_IP equ 1 ;0 if interrupt pending
IIR_ID equ 6 ;Mask for interrupt ID
IIR_RLS equ 6 ;Receiver Line Status interrupt
IIR_RDA equ 4 ;Receiver data available interrupt
IIR_THRE equ 2 ;Transmitter holding register empty int
IIR_MSTAT equ 0 ;Modem status interrupt
;8250 interrupt enable register bits
IER_DAV equ 1 ;Data available interrupt
IER_TxE equ 2 ;Tx buffer empty interrupt
IER_RLS equ 4 ;Receive line status interrupt
IER_MS equ 8 ;Modem status interrupt
;8250 Modem control register
MCR_DTR equ 1 ;Data Terminal Ready
MCR_RTS equ 2 ;Request to Send
MCR_OUT1 equ 4 ;Out 1 (not used)
MCR_OUT2 equ 8 ;Master interrupt enable (actually OUT 2)
MCR_LOOP equ 10h ;Loopback test mode
;8250 Modem Status Register
MSR_DCTS equ 1 ;Delta Clear-to-Send
MSR_DDSR equ 2 ;Delta Data Set Ready
MSR_TERI equ 4 ;Trailing edge ring indicator
MSR_DRLSD equ 8 ;Delta Rx Line Signal Detect
MSR_CTS equ 10h ;Clear to send
MSR_DSR equ 20h ;Data set ready
MSR_RI equ 40h ;Ring indicator
MSR_RLSD equ 80h ;Received line signal detect
;Slip Definitions
FR_END equ 0c0h ;Frame End
FR_ESC equ 0dbh ;Frame Escape
T_FR_END equ 0dch ;Transposed frame end
T_FR_ESC equ 0ddh ;Transposed frame escape
public int_no
int_no db 4,0,0,0 ; interrupt number.
io_addr dw 03f8h,0 ; I/O address for COM1.
baud_rate dw 12c0h,0 ; We support baud rates higher than 65535.
baudclk label word
dd 115200 ;1.8432 Mhz / 16
public driver_class, driver_type, driver_name
driver_class db 6,0,0,0 ;from the packet spec
driver_type db 0,0,0,0 ;from the packet spec
driver_name db 'SLIP8250',0 ;name of the driver.
ifdef debug
public recv_buf_size, recv_buf, recv_buf_end, recv_buf_head
public recv_buf_tail, recv_pkt_ready
recv_buf_size dw 3000 ;receive buffer size
recv_buf dw ? ;->receive buffer
recv_buf_end dw ? ;->after end of buffer
recv_buf_head dw ? ;->next character to get
recv_buf_tail dw ? ;->next character to store
recv_pkt_ready dw 0 ; flag indicating a packet is ready
ifdef debug
public send_buf
send_buf_size dw 3000 ;send buffer size
send_buf dw ? ;->send buffer
send_buf_end dw ? ;->after end of buffer
send_buf_head dw ? ;->next character to get
send_buf_tail dw ? ;->next character to store
ifdef debug
public packet_sem, pkt_send_sem, xmit_time
packet_sem dw 0 ; semaphore for packets received
pkt_send_sem dw 0 ; semaphore for packets xmitted
asyrxint_cnt dw 0 ; loop counter in asyrxint
xmit_time dw 0 ; loop timer for asyrxint
public rcv_modes
rcv_modes dw 4 ;number of receive modes in our table.
dw 0,0,0,rcv_mode_3
public send_pkt
; mod 7/25/89 John Grover
; - operates with interrupts on. Xmits one byte per interrupt
; - only turns transmitter buffer empty interrupt off when
; - all bytes of all packets are transmitted.
;enter with ds:si -> packet, cx = packet length.
;exit with nc if ok, or else cy if error, dh set to error number.
;called from telnet layer via software interrupt
assume ds:nothing
push cs
pop es
mov di,send_buf_tail
sti ; enable interrupts
mov al,FR_END ;Flush out any line garbage
call send_char
;Copy input to output, escaping special characters
cmp al,FR_ESC ;escape FR_ESC with FR_ESC and T_FR_ESC
jne send_pkt_2
mov al,FR_ESC
call send_char
mov al,T_FR_ESC
jmp short send_pkt_3
cmp al,FR_END ;escape FR_END with FR_ESC and T_FR_END
jne send_pkt_3
mov al,FR_ESC
call send_char
mov al,T_FR_END
call send_char
loop send_pkt_1
mov al,FR_END ;terminate it with a FR_END
call send_char
mov send_buf_tail,di
inc pkt_send_sem ; increment the semaphore
cmp pkt_send_sem, 1 ; see if we need to enable
; xmit buffer empty interrupt
ja send_pkt_end
;Enable modem status and (maybe) transmitter buffer empty interrupt.
setport MSR
mov ah, IER_MS ; always enable modem status interrupt
in al, dx ; check if clear to send
test al, MSR_CTS
jz send_pkt_4 ; no - won't enable xmit buffer empty interrupt
or ah,IER_TxE ; yes - enable xmit buffer empty interrupt
setport IER
call setbit ; enable
; mod 7/25/89 John Grover
; - utilizes buffer pointers to ascertain if the
; - buffer has room for another character
;stuff the character in al into the transmit buffer, but only if there
;is enough room, otherwise ignore the char.
assume ds:nothing
cmp di, send_buf_head ;are we out of buffer?
jne send_char_ok ;no - continue
cmp pkt_send_sem, 0 ;maybe - if no packets then no
jne send_char_1 ;if there are packets then yes
stosb ;store the char.
cmp di,send_buf_end ;do we need to wrap around?
jne send_char_1 ;no.
mov di,send_buf ;yes - reload with beginning.
public get_address
;get the address of the interface.
;enter with es:di -> place to get the address, cx = size of address buffer.
;exit with nc, cx = actual size of address, or cy if buffer not big enough.
assume ds:code
mov cx,0
public set_address
;set the address of the interface.
;enter with es:di -> place to get the address, cx = size of address buffer.
;exit with nc, cx = actual size of address, or cy if buffer not big enough.
assume ds:nothing
;receive mode 3 is the only one we support, so we don't have to do anything.
public set_multicast_list
;enter with es:di ->list of multicast addresses, cx = number of bytes.
;return nc if we set all of them, or cy,dh=error if we didn't.
public get_multicast_list
;return with nc, es:di ->list of multicast addresses, cx = number of bytes.
;return cy, NO_ERROR if we don't remember all of the addresses ourselves.
;return cy, NO_MULTICAST if we don't implement multicast.
public reset_interface
;reset the interface.
assume ds:code
;called when we want to determine what to do with a received packet.
;enter with cx = packet length, es:di -> packet type.
extrn recv_find: near
;called after we have copied the packet into the buffer.
;enter with ds:si ->the packet, cx = length of the packet.
extrn recv_copy: near
extrn count_in_err: near
extrn count_out_err: near
public recv
; mod 7/25/89 John Grover
; - added code to check modem status change interrupt. If CTS is
; - low turn off transmitter buffer empty interrupt. If CTS is
; - high turn it on.
;called from the recv isr. All registers have been saved, and ds=cs.
;Upon exit, the interrupt will be acknowledged.
assume ds:code
setport IIR
in al,dx ;any interrupts at all?
test al,IIR_IP
jne recv_1 ;no.
and al,IIR_ID
cmp al,IIR_RDA ;Receiver interrupt
jne recv_3
call asyrxint
jmp recv_2
cmp al,IIR_THRE ;Transmit interrupt
jne recv_5
call asytxint
jmp recv_2
;process IIR_MSTAT here.
; If CTS and packet ready then
; enable the transmit buffer empty interrupt
; else
; disable the transmit buffer empty interrupt
cmp al, IIR_MSTAT
jne recv_4
setport MSR ; make sure of CTS status
mov ah, IER_TxE ; get ready to alter xmit buffer empty interrupt
in al, dx
test al, MSR_CTS ; is CTS bit set
jz recv_5_1 ; no - disable xmit buffer empty int
cmp pkt_send_sem, 0 ; yes - is there a packet to xmit
jbe recv_2 ; no - all done here
setport IER ; yes - enable xmit buffer empty int
call setbit
jmp recv_2
setport IER
call clrbit
jmp recv_2
;process IIR_RLS here
;Process 8250 receiver interrupts
; mod 7/25/89 John Grover
; - this branches off when bps < 9600. See asyrxint_a.
; - Above 9600 bps we go into a loop to process a packet at
; - a time. If not data ready for a certain amount of time,
; - the process exits and waits for the next byte. This certain
; - amount of time to wait depends on the bps and CPU processor speed
; - and is determined in the initialization of the driver.
; - Upon receiving the FR_END character for the first frame in the
; - buffer a semaphore is set which tells recv_frame to run.
push ds ; get set up for the routine
pop es
xor bx, bx
cmp baud_rate, 9600 ; below 9600 we're strictly
jbe asyrxint_a ; interrupt driven
mov bx, xmit_time
mov di,recv_buf_tail
xor bp, bp ; set flag to indicate 1st char
; processed
mov si, packet_sem ; optimization
mov ah, LSR_DR
xor cx, cx ; initialize counter
setport LSR
in al,dx ; check for data ready
test al,LSR_DR
jnz asyrxint_gotit ; yes - break out of loop
inc cx ; no - increase loop counter
cmp cx, bx ; timeout?
jae asyrxint_exit ; yes - leave
jmp asyrxint_in ; no - keep looping
setport RBR
in al,dx
;Process incoming data;
; If buffer is full, we have no choice but
; to drop the character
cmp di,recv_buf_head ; check for buffer collision
jne asyrxint_ok ; none - continue
or si, si ; maybe - if there are packets
jnz asyrxint_exit ; yes exit
cmp di,recv_buf_end ; did we hit the end of the buffer?
jne asyrxint_3 ; no.
mov di,recv_buf ; yes - wrap around.
cmp al,FR_END ; might this be the end of a frame?
jne asyrxint_reset ; no - reset flag and loop
inc si ; yes - indicate packet ready
cmp si, 1 ; determine if semaphore is <> 1
jne asyrxint_chk_flg ; yes - recv_frame must be active
inc recv_pkt_ready ; no - set flag to start recv_frame
cmp bp, 0 ; was this the first char?
jne asyrxint_1 ; no - exit handler
inc bp ; set 1st character flag
jmp asyrxint_again ; get another character
mov recv_buf_tail,di
mov packet_sem, si
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; recv_exiting
public recv_exiting
cmp recv_pkt_ready, 1 ; is a packet ready?
jne recv_isr_exit ; no - skip to end
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ds
push es
push bp
push di
push si
push cs ; point ds properly
pop ds
mov recv_pkt_ready, 0 ; reset flag
sti ; enable interrupts
call recv_frame
pop si
pop di
pop bp
pop es
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; recv_frame
; mod 7/25/89 John Grover
; - recv_frame now operates with interrupts on. It is triggered
; - by the recv_pkt_ready flag and continues until all bytes
; - in all packets in the buffer have been transmitted to the upper
; - layer.
ifdef debug
public recv_frame
cmp packet_sem, 0 ; should we do this?
jz recv_frame_end ; no - exit
mov si,recv_buf_head ;process characters.
xor cx,cx ;count up the size here.
call recv_char ;get a char.
je recv_frame_2 ;go if no more chars.
cmp al,FR_ESC ;an escape?
je recv_frame_1 ;yes - don't count this char.
inc cx ;no - count this one.
jmp recv_frame_1
jcxz recv_frame_3 ;count zero? yes - just free the frame.
;we don't need to set the type because none are defined for SLIP.
push si ;save si in case we reject it.
push bx
mov di,0 ;but we avoid any segment end bullshit.
call recv_find ;look up our type.
pop bx
pop si
mov ax,es ;is this pointer null?
or ax,di
je recv_frame_3 ;yes - just free the frame.
push cx
push es ;remember where the buffer pointer is.
push di
mov si,recv_buf_head ;process characters.
call recv_char
je recv_frame_6 ;yes - we're all done.
cmp al,FR_ESC ;an escape?
jne recv_frame_5 ;no - just store it.
call recv_char ;get the next character.
je recv_frame_6
cmp al,T_FR_ESC
mov al,FR_ESC ;assume T_FR_ESC
je recv_frame_5 ;yup, that's it - store FR_ESC
mov al,FR_END ;nope, store FR_END
stosb ;store the byte.
jmp recv_frame_4
mov recv_buf_head,si ;we're skipped to the end.
pop si ;now give the frame to the client.
pop ds
pop cx
assume ds:nothing
call recv_copy
push cs
pop ds
assume ds:code
jmp recv_frame_end
mov recv_buf_head,si ;remember the new starting point.
dec packet_sem
cmp packet_sem, 0 ; are there more packets ready?
ja recv_frame ; yes - execute again
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; recv_char
; mod 7/25/89 John Grover
; - Now uses buffer pointers to determine if there are
; - characters left.
;enter with si -> receive buffer, bx = receive count. Wrap around if needed.
;return with nz, al = next char. Return zr if there are no more chars in
; this frame.
cmp si,recv_buf_end
jb recv_char_1
mov si,recv_buf
mov bx, recv_buf_tail
cmp si, bx
je recv_char_2
cmp al,FR_END
;Handle 8250 transmitter interrupts
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; asytxint
; mod 7/25/89
; - Transmits one character and then exits. Upon last character
; - to transmit modem status and transmitter buffer empty interrupt
; - are disabled.
; loadport ;can we load another character?
; setport LSR
; in al,dx
; test al,LSR_THRE
; je asytxint_1 ;no.
mov si,send_buf_head ; yes - load one
lodsb ;
cmp si,send_buf_end ;have we hit the end yet?
jne asytxint_3 ;no.
mov si,send_buf ;yes - wrap around
setport THR
out dx,al
mov send_buf_head, si ; store our location
cmp si, send_buf_tail ; more to xmit?
jne asytxint_1 ; yes just exit
;No more characters to transmit -- disable transmit interrupts.
setport IER ;Disable transmit and modem
mov ah,IER_TxE or IER_MS ; status interrupts
call clrbit
mov pkt_send_sem, 0 ; indicate we're finished
;Set bit(s) in I/O port
;enter with dx = port, ah = bit to set.
in al,dx
or al,ah
out dx,al
;Clear bit(s) in I/O port
;enter with dx = port, ah = bit to set.
in al,dx
not al ;perform an and-not using DeMorgan's.
or al,ah
not al
out dx,al
;any code after this will not be kept after initialization.
end_resident label byte
public usage_msg
usage_msg db "usage: SLIP8250 packet_int_no [driver_class] [int_no] [io_addr] [baud_rate]",CR,LF
db " [send_buf_size] [recv_buf_size]",CR,LF
db " The driver_class should be SLIP, KISS, AX.25, or a number.",CR,LF,'$'
public copyright_msg
copyright_msg db "Packet driver for SLIP8250, version ",'0'+majver,".",'0'+version,CR,LF
db "Portions Copyright 1988 Phil Karn",CR,LF,'$'
approximate_msg db "Warning: This baud rate can only be approximated using the 8250",CR,LF
db "because it is not an even divisor of 115200",CR,LF,'$'
class_name db "Interface class ",'$'
kiss_name db "KISS",CR,LF,'$'
ax25_name db "AX.25",CR,LF,'$'
slip_name db "SLIP",CR,LF,'$'
int_no_name db "Interrupt number ",'$'
io_addr_name db "I/O port ",'$'
baud_rate_name db "Baud rate ",'$'
send_buf_name db "Send buffer size ",'$'
recv_buf_name db "Receive buffer size ",'$'
unusual_com1 db "That's unusual! Com1 (0x3f8) usually uses interrupt 4!",CR,LF,'$'
unusual_com2 db "That's unusual! Com2 (0x2f8) usually uses interrupt 3!",CR,LF,'$'
extrn set_recv_isr: near
;enter with si -> argument string, di -> word to store.
;if there is no number, don't change the number.
extrn get_number: near
;enter with si -> argument string.
;skip spaces and tabs. Exit with si -> first non-blank char.
extrn skip_blanks: near
public parse_args
call skip_blanks
mov al,[si] ;now classify the argument.
or al,20h ;convert to lower case (assuming letter).
cmp al,'k'
jne parse_args_2
mov driver_class,10 ;KISS, from packet spec.
mov dx,offset kiss_name
jmp short parse_args_1
cmp al,'s'
jne parse_args_3
mov driver_class,6 ;SLIP, from packet spec.
mov dx,offset slip_name
jmp short parse_args_1
cmp al,'a'
jne parse_args_4
mov driver_class,9 ;AX.25, from packet spec.
mov dx,offset ax25_name
jmp short parse_args_1
mov di,offset driver_class
mov bx,offset class_name
call get_number
jmp short parse_args_6
push dx
mov dx,offset class_name
mov ah,9
int 21h
pop dx
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov al,[si] ;skip to the next blank or CR.
cmp al,' '
je parse_args_6
cmp al,CR
je parse_args_6
inc si ;skip the character.
jmp parse_args_5
mov di,offset int_no
mov bx,offset int_no_name
call get_number
mov di,offset io_addr
mov bx,offset io_addr_name
call get_number
cmp io_addr,03f8h ;is this com1?
jne ia_com2
mov dx,offset unusual_com1
cmp int_no,4 ;com1 usually uses int 1.
jne ia_unusual
jmp short ia_usual
cmp io_addr,02f8h ;is this com2?
jne ia_usual ;no.
mov dx,offset unusual_com2
cmp int_no,3 ;com2 usually uses int 3.
je ia_usual
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov di,offset baud_rate
mov bx,offset baud_rate_name
call get_number
mov di,offset send_buf_size
mov bx,offset send_buf_name
call get_number
mov di,offset recv_buf_size
mov bx,offset recv_buf_name
call get_number
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; etopen
; mod 7/25/89 John Grover
; - Contains a loop to determine a pseudo timeout for asyrxint.
; - The value is determined by transmitting characters in a
; - loop whose clock cycles are nearly the same as the "sister"
; - loop in asyrxint. The per character, maximum time used
; - basis which is then multiplied by a factor to achieve a timeout
; - value for the particular bps and CPU speed of the host.
public etopen
loadport ;Purge the receive data buffer
setport RBR
in al,dx
;Enable FIFO, set FIFO trigger level to 8
mov al,FCR_8
setport FCR
out dx,al
;Set line control register: 8 bits, no parity
mov al,LCR_8BITS
setport LCR
out dx,al
;Turn on receive interrupt enable in 8250, leave transmit
; and modem status interrupts turned off for now
mov al,IER_DAV
setport IER
out dx,al
;Set modem control register: assert DTR, RTS, turn on 8250
; master interrupt enable (connected to OUT2)
mov al,MCR_DTR or MCR_RTS or MCR_OUT2
setport MCR
out dx,al
;compute the divisor given the baud rate.
mov dx,baudclk+2
mov ax,baudclk
mov bx,0
inc bx
sub ax,baud_rate
sbb dx,baud_rate+2
jnc asy_speed_1
dec bx
add ax,baud_rate
adc dx,baud_rate+2
or ax,dx
je asy_speed_2
mov dx,offset approximate_msg
mov ah,9
int 21h
loadport ;Purge the receive data buffer
setport RBR
in al,dx
mov ah,LCR_DLAB ;Turn on divisor latch access bit
setport LCR
call setbit
mov al,bl ;Load the two bytes of the divisor.
setport DLL
out dx,al
mov al,bh
setport DLM
out dx,al
mov ah,LCR_DLAB ;Turn off divisor latch access bit
setport LCR
call clrbit
call set_recv_isr ;Set interrupt vector to SIO handler
;set up the various pointers.
mov dx,offset end_resident
mov send_buf,dx
mov send_buf_head,dx
mov send_buf_tail,dx
add dx,send_buf_size
mov send_buf_end,dx
mov recv_buf,dx
mov recv_buf_head,dx
mov recv_buf_tail,dx
add dx,recv_buf_size
mov recv_buf_end,dx
; the following code attempts to determine a pseudo timeout
; value to use in the loop that waits for an incoming character
; in asyrxint. The value returned in xmit_time is the number of
; loops processed between characters - therefore the loop used below
; is and should remain similar to the loop used in asyrxint.
push dx
xor ax, ax ; we'll send a 0
mov ah, LSR_THRE
mov cx, 10h ; take the highest of 16 runs
xor si, si ; will hold highest value
xor di, di ; initialize counter
setport THR ; xmit a character
out dx, al
setport LSR ; set up to check for an empty buffer
; next is the loop actually being timed
in al, dx
test al, ah
jnz xmit_time_done
inc di
cmp cx, cx ; these next few instructions do nothing
jmp xmit_time_1 ; except maintain similarity with the
; "sister" loop in asyrxint
jmp xmit_time_top
xmit_time_done: ; end of timed loop
cmp si, di ; compare highest value with new value
ja xmit_time_end ; no bigger - just loop
mov si, di ; bigger - save it
loop xmit_time_start ; bottom of outer loop
shl si, 1 ; we'll wait 8 characters worth
shl si, 1
shl si, 1
mov xmit_time, si ; retain largest value
pop dx
; end of pseudo timer determination
clc ;indicate no errors.
code ends